ISO Certification Support Ltd is committed to Net Zero. This means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere.
Where possible and appropriate, travel is eliminated through the use of web meetings, email and other electronic means.
Where travel takes place, the Carbon Impact of this is measured.
Cars used on company business emit less than 110g/km CO2e, with a goal for full EV by 2027.
Where possible and appropriate, public transport is used in low carbon zones and for locations with good public transport connections.
The Carbon Impact of all electricity, gas and other fuels used to power, heat, cool and light ISO Certification Support Ltd premises is measured.
All electricity purchased is from 100% renewables and does not include nuclear power.
The Carbon Impact measures from travel and energy use are offset through investment in Verified Carbon Scheme.
Projects invested in satisfy the requirement for immediate carbon reduction and sequestration. Focus is on renewable energy.
Optional additional projects may be invested in which have longer term positive carbon impacts such as tree planting.
Off setting is reviewed regularly to address further carbon reduction programmes.